As the renovation work progresses, many beams, columns, staircases, and metal connectors are removed for maintenance, repair, and/or replacement.

After system components are removed, additional deteriorated conditions not originally visible are revealed, necessitating expanding the scope of the renovation work.

Click here to access an updated PDF of RFIs with information on additions to scope of work beyond what was originally contracted or identified in the structural engineering report and drawings.

Complete renovations contract details, including scope of work, costs, and change order additions can be found on the main Somerset Condominiums Association website in the Restricted Financials section.


September 30 – December 15, 2019 – North Building and Central Courtyard systems

Construction dumpster to be removed from Somerset Ancillary Parking Lot by November 15, 2019.

The renovations general contractor will be replacing columns, glulam beams, and metal connections located in the walkways on the west side of the north building – 1530 through 1556 Bradley.

As work has been underway, deteriored columns, beams, metal connectors, stair stringers, and portions of walkway surfaces were revealed that indicated the portions of the system were in a state of imminent failure.

Multiple sections of the north building walkway systems are being repositioned, replaced, restabilized in new concrete footings, and brought into proper pitch.

Many sections of the walkways surfaces in the north walkway systems have been found to be failing and are being replaced.

New stretches of hog-fence-style railing system have been fabricated onsite and have been installed along multiple levels of the north building walkway systems and upper-level central lobby.

Excavation of portions of the soils underneath ground-level walkway systems, elevation of those systems to proper pitch, and installation drainage gravel is taking place.

New concrete stairs have been poured at the northernmost entrance to the north building ground-level walkways, and wooden treads have been fabricated.

A new leveling concrete landing has been poured on the northern staircase from ground level to garage and staircase stringers for this accessway have been replaced.

Deteriorated portions of the top level walkway roof system throughout the central courtyard and north building walkway systems are being replaced beginning on October 7th.

Portions of the ground-level deck will be closed for safety during the period this work is in progress.

Access to condominium units in the north building may be inconvenienced during this period.

August 12 – September 30, 2019 – Central Courtyard Walkway and Staircase System Renovations

The renovations general contractor has replaced coluimns, glulam beams, stair stringers, and metal connections that are part of the multi-level walkway systems on the east side of the south building – 1560 through 1574 Bradley.

As work progressed, multiple deteriored columns, beams, metal connectors, stair stringers, and portions of walkway surfaces were revealed that indicated the portions of the system were in a state of imminent failure.

Multiple sections and components of the central courtyard walkway systems have been replaced, repositioned, stabilized, and brought into proper pitch.

Staircase stringers in the central courtyard walkway systems that were removed and found to be failing have been replaced.

Sections of the walkways surfaces in the central courtyard walkway systems that were found to be failing have been replaced.

New stretches of hog-fence-style railing system have been fabricated onsite and have been installed throughout the central courtyard multi-level walkway systems.

Portions of the ground-level deck have been closed for safety during the period this work is in progress.

Access to condominium units in the south and east buildings may be inconvenienced during this period.

Central Courtyard Staircase Removal and Repairs – August 12 – September 30     

Beginning on Monday, August 12, repair of the central courtyard staircase and walkway systems was begun.

• Multiple staircases were removed during a period beginning on 8/12/19.

• Temporary shoring was installed to support walkway and beam systems while existing hardware was removed, and new hardware was fabricated, painted, and installed.

Garage and Parking Area Closures and Work & Storage Sites – July 27–October 31

CLOSURE: Beginning on Monday, July 29, two common element parking slots in the garage will be closed.

CLOSURE: Beginning on Saturday, August 10, the common element parking area outside and north of the garage will be closed.

The two parking slots north of the elevator have been designated as a secured work area for the General Contractor’s fabrication of renovation components.

The primary renovation & construction materials storage site will be a secured containment area located at the south end of the property.

Click here to access PDF of Somerset aerial showing locations of construction site yards.

Pre-Construction Meeting Update – July 16

The Pre-Construction Meeting with the general contractor for the renovations took place on July 16th.

• Onsite construction yard locations have been designated for materials storage, security, sanolet facilities, dumpster, and construction parking.

• Coordination and determination of scope of project will be ongoing through RFIs between general contractor and structural engineers.

• The renovations work is scheduled to take place from mid-July 2019 through the end of October 2019.

• The renovation of the walkway and staircase systems will be phased in at least two different parts — the first part being the interior courtyard areas.

IN PROGRESS AND ONGOING / UNDER WAY: July through November 2019

• Replacement and/or repair of defective walkway system beams.

• Replacement of walkway and staircase systems' defective metal connectors.

• Replacement and/or repair of defective 4x4 decking.

• Walkway soils/grounds corrective measures — excavation and fill.

Click here to access PDFs of marked-up Engineering Drawings showing planned renovations and structural repair locations


• Engineering Evaluation of Elevated Walkway and Staircase Systems.

• Anthem Structural Engineers Develops Renovation Report and Structural Repair Drawings.

• Somerset Condominiums Association reviews renovation proposals and awards renovation contract.

• Pre-Construction Meeting with General Contractor for the renovations.

• Custom lumber and brackets areordered and fabricated.

• Replacement and/or repair of defective walkway system columns.

• Replacement and/or repair of defective staircase stringers.

• Leveling of walkway systems.

• Replacement of walkway chain-link rail systems and gray wooden railings with hog fence rail systems.

• Repair and replacement of defective walkway roof sections.